“Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser,
Teach a righteous man and he will increase his learning.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”
(Proverbs 9:9-10, NASB)
When my children were small, I received some wise advice from another young mother.
She said, “I’m not raising a child, I’m raising a man.”
This statement has had….. a lasting impression on my mothering.
So much so, that I am revisiting this wisdom….. as I reminisce on the past, stare at the present, and look towards the future.
(My Kayla, Cody, and Nick fishing years ago.)
My children are now 16, 17, and 18. Truly, young adults.
They are finding their identities each and everyday. And today, I’m questioning what I’m doing right, and what I’m doing wrong.
Today, I am praying…. for God to show me where the line in the sand is.
When do I keep quiet, and when do I speak up?
How do I continue on this path of raising a baby girl? With the mindset, that I am mothering a young woman?
And raising two bouncing boys, that are young men now?
Where do I stop and let them figure out life for themselves? And where do I still provide guidance?
When do I pull back, so they can find their own perseverance? And when do I give that additional push of encouragement, so they succeed?
When do I just give a flat out YES or NO, to what they want? Or to what they don’t want?
So today, I seek out God’s guidance, for the ability to continue raising a woman and two men….. who will add value to society, always give much more than they take, and last, but not least…. individuals who will seek God for themselves.
I seek this guidance, from the Almighty Father in Heaven. Maker of all.
Because God knows my children, better than I do. And He loves my children, more too.
Blessings! Love you all!!